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Life Update: I HAD A BABY

Okay, so I have been rather neglectful to my poor little blog! So I think it's best to start my new blogging journey with a little life update. Since finding out I was pregnant on Halloween 2015, I focussed all my energy into the little life growing inside me. So I had my little girl in July. She is honestly a dream.. We are in love with her. She has changed mine and Gary's life for the better and I am so greatful & honoured to be her mum. 

I have to be honest, I spent my whole pregnancy worrying about my baby. It was awful, I suffer with anxiety and I feel this had a lot to do with my worrying and overthinking during my pregnancy. I would love to make a blog post about this and also some of the other issues I faced during and after my pregnancy.

I feel since becoming a mum I have learnt, changed and grown so much as a person. I would love to utilise my own little corner of the internet and document some of my thoughts & findings that maybe some people in the same situation can relate to.

My little girl is now 3 months old (the time really does fly!!) I am on maternity leave and would love to focus my energy on my blog as writing/typing my current thoughts seems to really help my mental state! 

My baby Arla😌❤️

Thank you for reading! xx

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